Sunday, May 20, 2018


Essential Question: How do we overcome obstacles?

MyPerspectives Workbook: Complete The Grapes of Wrath. Next, we will read an excerpt from The Circuit.

Ellen and Annemarie

Everyone narrowly escapes being found out. Once the danger has passed, Peter opens the coffin to reveal its contents. 

Danish Fishing Boat

Remember to keep up on the Journal Prompts. Due: 5/29.  Enjoy.

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Essential Question: How do we overcome obstacles?

MyPerspectives Workbook: Complete The Grapes of Wrath. Next, we will read an excerpt from The Circuit.

Number the Stars: Annemarie knows that Great Aunt Birte never existed. What will she do to find out what is really going on?

Remember to keep with chapter prompts and questions.

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Essential Question: How do we overcome obstacles?

Comparing media to text: "The Dust Bowl" and an excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath.

Number the Stars: We will continue to read the next chapters in the novel. Pay attention to subtle changes in daily life in Copenhagen during World War 2. 
There are Nazis on every street corner.

What do you think the Nazis are up to?

Ellen and her family are in danger of being "relocated" by the NAZI's.
How can they stay safe?

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Essential Question: How do we overcome obstacles? 

We will begin to read, Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry.

First, complete the Anticipatory Guide. 

Next, we will read Chapters 1 and 2.

Short quizzes and journal prompts to follow.

Remember to keep up with the Number the Stars Response Journal Prompts.

Monday, April 16, 2018


Essential Question: How do we overcome obstacles?

MyPerspectives: Complete all work after reading "Against the Odds." 

What does this quote mean to you?

We will continue reading about the Holocaust.

After the reading, go to the GC to find the Response Journal Assignment. Complete the two prompts. 

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Essential Question: How do we overcome obstacles? 

What is The Holocaust? Why is it important to study this horrific historical event?

If we are not careful, terrible things can happen.

How can minding your own business be so dangerous?

Slides are due Tuesday. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment?

My Perspectives: You will continue working with your group.  You will read"He-y, Come On Ou-t." What is the theme or main idea in the story?

Something to think about: What do you know about World War 2? 

Go to the GC to find your next assignment. Due: Thursday.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment?

My Perspectives: You will continue working with your group.  You will read"He-y, Come On Ou-t." What is the theme or main idea in the story?

A Long Walk To Water

Salva is now living in the USA. How will he adapt to his new life? Will he ever see his country again?

What will easy access to water do for Nya and her village?

We will read the last 2 chapters. Make sure to complete all the work in the GC.
Next, take the AR test.

Link: Water For South Sudan  

"Never stop walking." What does this mean to you?

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment?

My Perspectives: You will continue working with your group.  You will read"He-y, Come On Ou-t." What is the theme or main idea in the story?

A Long Walk to Water 

Will the Iron Red Giraffe find water? If so, what will this mean for Nya and her tribe?

Iron Red Giraffe

Salva has had to endure so many hardships. What's next for him after surviving one of the scariest legs of his journey?
Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya

What about his next destination? Will things get better or worse for Salva?

What will Salva's new life be like in the USA?

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment?

My Perspectives: You will continue working with your group.  You will read"He-y, Come On Ou-t." What is the theme or main idea in the story?

A Long Walk to Water: Salva and the group are on their way to Ethiopia. What do you think life will be like there? Do you think things with get better or worse for Salva?
What about Nya? What do the strangers visiting  the tribal chief of her village want?

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment?

You will read 3 nature poems and a short story. All of these selections present different perspectives on the ways in which humans impact the natural environment. Be ready to discuss these readings.

A Long Walk to Water: Salva has had to endure so many hardships. His next challenge will be surviving the Akobo Desert. 

Monday, February 12, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment?

You will read 3 nature poems and a short story. All of these selections present different perspectives on the ways in which humans impact the natural environment. Be ready to discuss these readings.

A Long Walk to Water: What will Salva do next? What about Nya?  
We will continue reading. Make sure to complete all questions and quick writes in GC.

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment?

This Week: 

We will read and listen to Al Gore's acceptance speech when he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. This begins on page 372.

Also, we will begin reading, A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. You will find the Anticipatory Guide in the GC. Wait for instruction.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment?

After reading an except from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson once, you will close read the passage. Remember to annotate. Later, be ready to take a comprehension test.

Prepare to argue your position. Does Carson's description inspire readers to take action, or does it discourage action because the problem seems so big? What do you think?

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment? 

Go to the GC to find your Literature Response Doc. Write a short response to prompt number 1. 

My Perspective: Open your workbooks to page 352. We will begin Unit 4: People and the Planet.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


College Week

You will be preparing for the UCSC field trip this Friday.

Is college in your future?
Where will you be in 10 years?

THINK ABOUT IT: Essential Questions:  What effects do people have on the environment?